Fish shell或bash shell下的ssh-agent现有会话探测脚本
一个随便糊的用于发现设备上现有的ssh-agent会话脚本,方便在不同的terminal tab中复用一个ssh-agent
适配: macOS + fish shell
#!/usr/bin/env fish ####################################################### # Author: SanXian # To find the exists ssh-agent connection or create # a new ssh-agent connection for macOS with fish shell ####################################################### #set base_dir "/var/folders/4w/hx1kgdwd2ll9chvbzv6y70r80000gn/T" set base_dir $TMPDIR for i in (sh -c "ls -1 --color=never $base_dir/ssh-*/agent* 2>/dev/null") set agent_file (echo -n $i | grep --color=never -Eo "agent.*") echo "found: $agent_file" set PID (echo -n $agent_file | awk -F . '{print $2 + 1}') echo PID: $PID export SSH_AGENT_PID=$PID export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$i env | grep -i ssh_ exit end # ssh agent sock not found echo "ssh agent sock file not found, creating" eval (ssh-agent -c -t 4h)
Linux bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash ####################################################### # Author: SanXian # To find the exists ssh-agent connection or create # a new ssh-agent connection for macOS with fish shell # version: 1.5 ####################################################### #set base_dir "/var/folders/4w/hx1kgdwd2ll9chvbzv6y70r80000gn/T" # Linux base_dir=/tmp/ssh-*/agent.* # macOS #set base_dir $TMPDIR/ssh-*/agent.* agent_paths=`sh -c "ls -1 --color=never $base_dir 2>/dev/null"` for i in $agent_paths do agent_file=`echo -n $i | grep --color=never -Eo "agent.*"` echo "found: $agent_file" PID=`echo -n $agent_file | awk -F . '{print $2 + 1}'` echo PID: $PID export SSH_AGENT_PID=$PID export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$i env | grep -i ssh_ done if [[ -z $agent_paths ]] then # ssh agent sock not found echo "ssh agent sock file not found, creating" eval `ssh-agent -t 4h` #ssh-add -t 0 ssh-add -t 360d fi