
Admin讨论 | 贡献2020年4月25日 (六) 16:38的版本




nmcli[ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }</nowiki>

nmcli connection show

nmcli connection show  --active

nmcli device {disconnect|connect|show|status}

例子1 [ 新增连接 Add ]

Define a new connection named "default" which will autoconnect as Ethern connection on the eth0 device using DHCP

nmcli connection add con-name "default" type ethernet ifname eth0

Create a new connection named "static" and specify the IP address and gateway.Do not autoconnect

nmcli connection add con-name "static" ifname eth0 autoconnect no type ethernet ip4 172.25.x.x/24 gw4 172.25.x.254

The system will autoconnected with the DHCP connection at boot.Change to the static connection

nmcli connection up "static"

Change back to the DHCP connection

nmcli con up "default"

例子2 [ 修改连接 Modify ]

Turn off autoconnect

nmcli connection mod "static" connection.autoconnect no

Specify a DNS server

nmcli connection mod "static" ipv4.dns

Some configuration arguments may have values added or removed.Add a +/- symbol in front of the argument.Add a secondary DNS server

nmcli con mod "static" +ipv4.dns

热点 [ wifi hotspot ]

nmcli device wifi hotspot ifname wlx14cf92d7f77d con-name myHotspot ssid test password 1234567890
nmcli connection modify myHotspot connection.autoconnect yes
nmcli con modify myHotspot 802-11-wireless.ssid orangeWifi